What We Do

In 2014 the Tucson InDesign User Group decided to change its name to the Tucson Adobe User Group to serve a wider variety of creative disiplines and Adobe programs. Meetings range from deep dive program topics to artist profiles to joint collaborations with AIGA, such as Cocktails with Creatives and Behance Portfolio Reviews.

Meet the Tucson Adobe User Group Organizers

Casey Chafouleas

Casey began her work in 2013 with the InDesign User Group. In 2014 the group changed its names to the Adobe User Group to cover a broader variety of topics within the creative community. As the manager Casey organizes events, manages volunteers, secures sponsors and networks with other groups.

Geri Rosen

Want to get involved?

If you would like to give a presentation, provide a space for future meetings or just share some topic ideas please reach out.

Get in touch